Flexible and economical bandwidth management
The BQN platform allows you to implement sophisticated subscriber speed plans, with additional rate limitations for specific applications (identified via DPI), as a function of the traffic congestion situation, and taking into account different access network parameters.
All this in an efficient software implementation, delivering up to 150 Gbps in a 1U off-the-shelf server, and easily integrated with billing/subscriber management systems via RADIUS or REST API. We can thus enforce subscriber rate plans at a lower cost than alternative solutions.
Limit rates without impacting on-line gaming and teleconferences
Interactive applications, like on-line games and teleconferences, can be severely impacted by rate limitations in congestion, because of their high sensitivity to latency and packet losses. However, our unique multi-queue technology guarantees an independent queue for each connection, ensuring that interactive data do not have to wait in queues with heavy traffic, like video streaming. In this way, interactive applications will not notice the rate limitation, even in congestion situations.
Reduce latency and
packet losses
Our technology actively reduces the size of queues, including non-interactive ones, enforcing CoDel for UDP queues, or, even better, acting as a transparent proxy for TCP (which can directly control the sending speed at the source server). The end result is a significant reduction in latency and packet losses when implementing subscriber rate plans. The following graph shows the latency measurements, and how they went down by 20% when the Bequant Bandwidth Management started to enforce the subscriber rate plans.
The TCP Optimization, Bandwidth Management and Network Visibility functionalities run, in an integrated way, on the Bequant BQN software platform, which can be deployed on off-the-shelf Intel- or AMD-based servers and on virtual machines (KVM or VMware vSphere hypervisors).