BQN Support

Connecting the BQN to the network

Management port

Connect the power supply and the management cable to the OAM port. If the server was installed from the iso, the management interface is the one selected during the installation process. Normally, the management interface is configured in the first integrated interface (the leftmost in the server motherboard, whose name is usually en0o1).

Switch the BQN server on and access the management GUI following the steps described in Login section.

The BQN factory management IP address is, with default gateway The management user is bqnadm. If the server has been installed from scratch, the IP address and password will be those provided during the installation process.

If you need to change the management IP address or default gateway, see the section Changing the Management IP Address.

Verify date and time

Verify the date, time and time-zone in the Administration->SystemDate->Set Date & Time page are correct.

Verify connection to NTP servers and license manager

Access to the Bequant license manager is OK if the License Manager icon in the dashboard is green. Contact Bequant support for details about license manager IP addresses and ports.

Access to NTP servers can be checked in Administration->System Date-> NTP Servers, where some of the NTP entries should in connected state. The NTP servers may be changed (you can eliminate some of the default servers and/or add new ones). NTP server take some time to synchronize, so they may not be synchronized initially, but they should after a few hours.

Network interface mapping

To do the mapping of the physical network ports to the interface names shown in the BQN GUI, do the following:

  • Connect one physical interface at a time (e.g. connect it to a free switch port or to a port in the BQN already mapped).
  • Check in Status->Interfaces->Link State which interface changes the link state to up.
  • Make sure you reload the page every time you change the physical connection, because the page does not reload automatically.

Connect subscriber traffic ports

Subscriber traffic interfaces are paired in wires, internally connected so the traffic received by one interface is sent to the other one and vice versa. Each wire in use needs both interfaces connected on the access and Internet sides. It is important to connect the interfaces correctly (otherwise, the system performance will be affected).

Use the network interface mapping to locate the ports of each wire defined in Configuration->Interfaces->Data Wires.

The network interfaces in use must be up and with the link detected. Both can be monitored in the GUI Status->Interfaces->Link State.

Once the traffic is steered, you can see its instant value in Status->Interfaces->Throughput.

And that is all. The installation is done.

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