BQN Support

Logging in

The BQN has a web-based Graphic User Interface (GUI) to perform the most common management tasks. Desktop browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge are supported (MS Explorer is not).

The GUI has contextual help: press the [.icon][.icon] help icon on the page for which help is needed.


To access the GUI, open a browser and visit the URL: https://oam-ip, where oam-ip is the management IP address ( by default).

The BQN uses a self-signed certificate,and the browser will signal it as unsecure. Ignore the warning and go to the web page.

Enter bqnadm user and the password:

User root cannot be used to login to the GUI.

Initial Dashboard Page

The home page has a lateral menu, a dashboard, and a small summary of system information.

The dashboard must show all icons in green. The Network Interfaces icon will not be green until all the configured wires are connected (if there are interfaces not being used in any of the configured wires, it will remain in orange) and the icon Low Traffic will not be in green until the traffic flows through the BQN.  In some icons, clicking on them goes to a window with more information about the BQN status. See Troubleshooting for steps to take when an icon is not in normal state.

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