BQN Support

Initial Tasks

Changing the Time

If it is necessary to change the system time, go to Administration->System Date->Ser Date & Time.

Apply Data changes the local date and time, and Apply Zone changes the time zone. It is possible to browse through the list of time zones pressing the initials of the country of Interest (e.g., ES for Spain).

Changing the Management IP Address

To change the settings of the management interface, select on the lateral menu Configuration->Interfaces->Management. IP settings include the IP address and mask, the default gateway and the VLAN identifier (if any).

An optional DNS server IP address can be configured.

The network Interface used for management must not be changed, unless indicated by the Bequant support personnel.

When the new settings are completed, press Apply Configuration to commit the changes. Connecting back to the node may require access from the new subnet and logging back into the GUI.

Management Interface Firewall

To set up the management interface firewall, which will only apply to the management interface (not to the interfaces configured in wires) select on the lateral menu Configuration->Interfaces->Management Firewall. This will show the IP address ranges allowed to access the management interface. By default, no IP address ranges are configured, and all are allowed.

To add an allowed IP address range, click the [.icon][.icon] menu icon and press on Add IP Address Range…. Once one IP address range is allowed, the firewall is enabled, and all IP addresses not covered by the configured IP address ranges will be blocked. It is therefore important to include an IP address range that includes the IP address from which we are accessing the GUI and the subnet of the management IP address (the GUI will warn us about this).

Wire Configuration

A wire is a network interface pair processing subscriber traffic.

To configure wires, select Configuration->Interfaces->Data Wires.

Wires are directional, with the first network interface connected to the access towards the subscribers and the second interface on the Internet side. If a mistake has been made in connecting the ports, they can be swapped clicking on the [.icon][.icon] arrows icon.

To add a wire, click on the [.icon][.icon] menu icon and select Add Wire…. A form will allow you to select the access and Internet interfaces (theform will list the interfaces available). The pcap option is selected only for cards other than Intel (pcap allows compatibility at the price of reducing server performance).

To remove a wire, press the  [.icon][.icon] trashcan icon. To modify a wire (for example, to enable the pcap option), you have to remove the existing wire and then, before applying the changes, add the wire with the change.

Wires should not be deleted unless indicated by the Bequant support personnel, as misconfigurations may lead to service loss.

Changes only apply after clicking Apply Configuration.

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