BQN Support

TCPO Metrics

The BQN accelerates TCP traffic to raise the effective speed of data transfers and improve the user quality of experience.

Status->TCP Optimization-> Speed & Acceleration shows the average speed values of non-accelerated TCP connections (no BTA, from no BQN TCP Acceleration)and accelerated ones (BTA). To have comparable traffic, the traffic is classified into nine categories based on download sizes and latency to the content servers.

Sizes are:

  • SMALL SIZE (up to 100KB).
  • MEDIUM (between 100KB and 1MB).
  • LARGE (more than 1MB).

Latencies are delays (in milliseconds) from the BQN to the content servers:

  • SMALL RTTi (less than 10ms).
  • MEDIUM RTTi (between 10ms and 60ms).
  • LARGE RTTi (more than 60ms).

Latency thresholds are configurable in Configuration->TCPO Settings (latencies change from network to network and the default values may not be suitable).

The menu option Statistics->TCP Optimization->TCP Speed shows the speed evolution over time.

Sometimes, due to the lack or to a low amount of traffic, there might be categories of or part of graphs without information.
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