If the Inverted Traffic icon in the Dashboard is in orange (Warning), it is indication that traffic throughput in the uplink direction is bigger than in the downlink direction. This can be normal in small deployments(less than a hundred subscribers, like in a BQN in a lab) but in a network deployment most likely indicates that some of the wires have been connected incorrectly, with the access port connected to the Internet side and vice versa.
To verify that this is the case, go to Statistics->Throughput->Interfacesand select the wire interface configured in the access side. If it shows more received throughput that sent throughput, it is indication that the wire is inverted. This can be confirm selecting the throughput of the Internet-side interface to see that its sent traffic is bigger than its received traffic.
To fix the issue, go to Configuration->Interfaces->Data Wires and, in the inverted wire, press the Swap interfaces icon.