BQN Support

Web not Accessible

  • Check that the management IP address is accessible using SSH,
  • Check that you are using HTTPS in the access (HTTP is not supported). Example of URL:
  • Check that you are using bqnadm user (root cannot be used in GUI access).
  • When installing from scratch, make sure the command wizard bta was run (otherwise, the GUI web service will not be active a no bqnadm user created).
  • Verify that the SSH port of the BQN server has not been modified. To access the BQN using a port other than 22, you can define port forwarding rules in router on the access path, but the BQN SSH port cannot be changed. Logging to the server as root, you can verify that the SSH port is 22 as follows:
bqn:~ # grep Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#Port 22
#GatewayPorts no

If needed, comment the line that specifies a port other than 22.

  • Check that your browser is supported (Edge, Firefox, Chrome). MS Explorer, for example, is not supported.

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